New Online Marketers! Gurus Can Be Dangerous to Your New Career

New online marketers are very excited when they start. There is no shortage of online help from would-be gurus. Why Do 95% Of New Online Marketers Fail? How can you do that with so much help from experts? More importantly, how can it be fixed? Visit here for The Wholesale Formula review
Greed - pedal to metal : Most new online marketers give in to greed. We are sorry! There is no other way to say it. However, that greed is fueled by many products on the market today.Critically review the sales information for some products online. Can you find out what the product is? Or what should I do? Sometimes yes sometimes no. But you can find a lot of expensive houses, fancy cars and even some airplanes. Marketers hint that you can have this lifestyle too. All you have to do is buy this new and better product ... and the products will be downloaded electronically instantly and frequently.

Paralysis by analysis: stop all motors: 
Spurred on by Guru's online sales pitches, new online marketers often buy all the shiny new items that pass through their email inbox. Soon they have a hard drive full of products and often a wallet with no money.

Then reality sets in: 
Despite all their new products, they don't know what to do. They find that they don't know which product to use first. They try to analyze everything they bought. In the end, they do nothing.
Caution: all engines forward slowly
Some new online marketers avoid all this trouble. They don't buy all the shiny new items they see. They check things before buying. 
What does the product claim to do? Does that fit your intentions online? 
What claims does the author make? Does it go against the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, is it likely?" Can anyone realistically make millions with a few mouse clicks? 
And the author of the product? Is there a significant negative impact for this person on the Internet? Can a 19-year-old really be a guru? 
People who ask these questions often exclude products from further consideration before making a purchase.
Plan your trip before leaving the port 
Plan your career online before buying anything. It may change over time, but plan for your original goal. If you don't, each product is as good as another. 
Do you want to offer products for sale or are you afraid of this idea? Have you considered affiliate marketing: promoting someone else's products? Would you like an online store for material products, perhaps from Amazon? 
Be realistic about your goals. If you really want to become a millionaire in the next few weeks, you shouldn't be a new online marketer. Sorry, that's not how it works. 
Can you determine the online reputation of the author? Of course, if it's bad, avoid it. If you can't determine the author's reputation, maybe you're not that guru after all. 
One last observation: damage control 
If you've been a new online marketer for less than 60 days, many of your new products are still eligible for refunds. Pay as much as you can with no regrets. So be sure and plan your trip. There are many product writers who are truly guru. But that doesn't apply to everyone. 
Robert Gilson, PhD in Business Administration and a retired officer in the Marine Supply Corps, visit his main blog at [] for more information.